Hey fellas, sorry for being absent for a long time, mainly it was lots of work on other projects.
In this post I am going to teach you how to screen scrape using NodeJS and JQuery (cheerio). Its relatively easy, here is the code:
var request = require('request'); // we need request library var cheerio = require('cheerio'); // and cheerio library/ JQuery // set some defaults req = request.defaults({ jar: true, // save cookies to jar rejectUnauthorized: false, followAllRedirects: true // allow redirections }); // scrape the page req.get({ url: "http://www.whatsmyip.org/", headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Google' // You can put the user-agent that you want } }, function(err, resp, body) { // load the html into cheerio var $ = cheerio.load(body); // get the data and output to console console.log( 'IP: ' + $('#ip').text() ); //scrape using CSS selector console.log( 'Host: ' + $('#hostname').text() ); console.log( 'User-Agent: ' + $('#useragent').text() ); });